Offices Stage-Global adjusted opening times for the holidays
During the holiday season our offices will be closed on the following days: Amsterdam office is closed from December 24th 2024 till January 1st 2025 (we are back January 2nd) New York office will be closed on December 24th and 25th 2024, as well as on January 1st 2025. Lees verder >

Stage-Global joins The Alliance for International Exchange
We are excited to announce that Stage-Global has become an official member of The Alliance for International Exchange, a network of U.S. based organizations committed to promoting cross-cultural understanding and educational opportunities around the world. The Alliance upholds, promotes, and sets the highest ethical standards of professional conduct among its members. This new membership strengthens our commitment to continuously improving our programs and client experiences, working closely with other exchange providers, and supporting the development of Bridge USA programs by the U.S. Department of State. We look forward to leveraging this partnership to create more meaningful and impactful international exchange experiences for participants from around the world. For more information about The Alliance for International Exchange, please visit their website. Lees verder >

Welcome Niels!
We are excited to introduce you to our new program coordinator: Niels Dekker! Lees verder >

Welcome Ksenia!
We are excited to introduce you to our new program coordinator: Ksenia van Ness! Lees verder >

Welcome Hans!
We are excited to introduce you to our new program coordinator: Hans Woudsma! Lees verder >

Welcome Lauren!
We are happy to introduce to you our new colleague Lauren! Lees verder >

We are hiring!
We are hiring! Are you interested in working at Stage-Global in Amsterdam? We currently have the following positions available: Program Coordinator Administrative Coordinator Interested in this position? Email your resume & motivation letter to: abonneur@stage-global.com Lees verder >

Stage-Global Informatie sessies - Walk In!
Wij organiseren weer informatie sessies bij ons op kantoor. Je kan hier vrijblijvend voor inschrijven en tussen 14:00 en 16:30 uur binnen lopen wanneer het jou uitkomt. Ons team staat je dan graag te woord over alle programma's en vragen die je hebt. Wanneer: Donderdag 6 oktober 14:00 - 16:30 (vrije inloop) Dinsdag 11 oktober 14:00 - 16:30 (vrije inloop) Waar: Kantoor Stage-Global - Sarphatistraat 370, Amsterdam Registeren: Registratieformulier Vul het registratiefomulier in en ontvang meer informatie over de details van de bijeenkomst. De koffie staat klaar, wij kijken ernaar uit jullie te mogen ontmoeten! Vragen? Email ons: info@stage-global.com Lees verder >

Happy Ascension Day!
Happy Ascension Day!Thursday, May 26th and Friday, May 27th our office will be closed, due to the Holidays here in the Netherlands. We will be back on Monday the 30th. Lees verder >

Happy Kingsday!
Happy Kingsday! Wednesday April 27th our office will be closed, as we are celebrating Kingsday here in the Netherlands! We will be back on Thursday the 28th. Lees verder >

Holiday greetings from Stage-Global Founder Andries Bonneur
Dear Participants, Host Organizations, Universities, Partners and friends, Lees verder >

New program - FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022!
In 2022, the FIFA World Cup is happening in Qatar and you have the unique opportunity to be there. Have you always wanted to be a part of football’s biggest global event? Stage-Global can make your dreams a reality! We offer you the chance to intern at either the main stadium or in one of the impressive surrounding hotels for a period of 2-4 months. A longer program can definitely be discussed. Every student or recent graduate can apply! Besides a unique experience, there are plenty more advantages, such as free housing, transportation, meal plan, visa, insurance and to top it all off, you will also get paid! If all of this makes you interested, apply for a free intake today! You can find more information about the program on our website. Lees verder >

United States and Australia re-opening their borders!
We are excited to share that the governments of the United States and Australia have announced an official re-opening of their borders for international internship & traineeship programs for students and young professionals who can provide proof of full vaccination against COVID-19! As of now you are able to travel to these destinations again with the visa provided by Stage-Global. Are you ready for your next professional experience abroad? Apply for a free intake today! Check out more program details at www.stage-usa.com and www.stage-australia.com Lees verder >

Welcome Justin!
We are happy to introduce to you, our new program coordinator Justin! Lees verder >

Welcome Ivonne!
We are happy to introduce to you our new program coordinator Ivonne! Lees verder >

Welcome Deniz!
We are happy to introduce to you our new program coordinator Deniz! Lees verder >

Welcome Eline!
We are happy to introduce our new Program Coordinator Eline! Lees verder >

Welcome Jackie!
We are happy to introduce to you our new colleague Jackie! Lees verder >
Welcome Sophie!
We are happy to introduce to you our new Program Support colleague Sophie! Lees verder >

Stage-Global Office closed December 24, 2020 - January 1, 2021
We will be closed for the holiday season from Thursday, December 24th until January 1st. We will resume regular business hours on Monday, January 4th. Lees verder >

J-1 Visa ban lifted
A recent Federal court order has been issued, lifting the J-1 Visa ban of June 2020 for new J-1 Internship/Traineeship programs. The recent preliminary injunction was released on October 1, 2020, allowing the issuing of new J-1 visas of diverse categories, including the Internship and Traineeship programs. Although this is a great step forward, there are still several regional travel restrictions in place since March 2020 (Source: Travel Restrictions). These travel restrictions are independent of your ability to obtain a J-1 visa. We, however, are already accepting new J-1 visa applicants with starting dates in 2020 and 2021. You can apply through our application form in order to schedule your intake free of charge. During this intake you will get the latest visa options available to you, and you can start up the process accordingly. Lees verder >

NEW: OPT Job Placement Program for F-1 Students
Stage-USA is proud to announce our new OPT Job Placement Program for F-1 Students currently residing in the United States! Lees verder >

Webinar: Professional Preparation May 14, 2020
Name of the webinar: Professional Preparation for International Careers Open Webinar: Tips and tricks to prepare for an internship abroadDate: Thursday, May 14, 2020Time: 14:00 – 15:15 CEST (Local time Amsterdam, The Netherlands)Cost: FREEDescription: Stage USA will once again provide a FREE webinar for young professionals aspiring for an international experience. Are you interested in embarking in a professional experience abroad, but you’re not sure where to begin? Let Stage-Global guide you through the basics of finding a professional internship or traineeship in countries such as The United States, Australia, Europe, and Mauritius. During this FREE webinar, we will cover topics that will help you prepare your profile for a professional adventure abroad. We will discuss the advantages of pursuing an international opportunity, best interview practices and share important tips to prepare your CV and motivation letter to create an excellent first impression. Register today using the link: https://forms.gle/SNj8sbvjRZjiwmoeA We look forward to helping you achieve the experience of a lifetime! Lees verder >

Update - Travel Restrictions to the US
With the objective to provide international exchange programs to people from all over the world, Stage-Global is paying close attention to statements from the World Health Organization regarding COVID-19 and is following all guidelines from these authorities and local health departments. The well-being of everyone involved in our programs is of the utmost importance to us. The US Government is temporarily restricting travels from European countries to the United States from March 13, 2020 for a period of 30 days. We are monitoring the instructions from the US Government and health authorities carefully and will abide by these instructions, keeping the health and safety of everyone involved as our priority. Candidates starting their programs before May 1st 2020 might expect a possible delay in their starting date. At this moment we do not expect any changes or adjustments associated to the travel restrictions for programs starting after May 1, 2020. Stage-Global will continue to carefully follow this situation and keep all of our participants posted. Lees verder >

Stage-Global Office closed December 25, 2019 - January 1, 2020
We will be closed for the holiday season from Wednesday, December 25th until Wednesday, January 1st. We will resume regular business hours on Thursday, January 2nd. Lees verder >

We are moving! - December 9, 2019
The Stage-Global office in Amsterdam is moving to another office in the heart of Amsterdam. From Monday December 9, 2019 on we will be located at the new address: Keizersgracht 1271015 CJ AmsterdamThe Netherlands For questions, please email info@stage-global.com Lees verder >

Stage-Global Voorlichtingen in Oktober & November 2019 - Bezoek ons!
Stage-Global bezoekt de komende maanden weer verschillende scholen en beurzen! Bespreek jouw mogelijkheden voor een stage, traineeship of Au Pair programma met 1 van onze medewerkers. Bezoek onze stand of presentatie op een van de volgende locaties: Lees verder >
Welcome Abigail!
We are happy to introduce to you our new Region Coordinator colleague Abigail Angay! Lees verder >

Pre-Departure Event Summer 2019
Last month, Stage-Global invited participants of our programs residing in The Netherlands to a Pre-Departure Event, to helping them prepare for their upcoming internship and traineeship programs in the USA or Australia. Lees verder >

Welcome Rick!
We are happy to introduce to you our new Program Support colleague Rick Gitzels! Lees verder >

Amsterdam Office Closed May 30th - 31st
On May 30th and 31st, our Amsterdam office will be closed in observance of Ascension Day. We'll be back for you on Monday June 3rd. Lees verder >

Increased SEVIS fee
The Department of Homeland Security has released a statement pertaining an increase to the SEVIS (Student Exchange Visitor Information System) fee, which will take effect on June 24 2019. The original fee of $180 USD will be increased to $220 USD. More information on this matter can be found at the following link If you have any questions in regards to this matter, please reach out to info@stage-usa.net Lees verder >

Welcome Dora!
We are happy to welcome Dora Zavoianu to our team as Program Coordinator! Lees verder >

Welcome Rachel!
A warm welcome to our new Junior Program Manager Rachel! Lees verder >

Open Position at Stage-Global
We have a position available at our headquarter office in beautiful Amsterdam! We are currently looking for a Junior Program Manager that will engage in various parts of the business. As a junior program manager, you will support students and young professionals to arrange an internship in the USA, Australia, and Europe. Lees verder >

Pre-Departure event great success!
Yesterday some of our candidates came to the beautiful Stage-USA office for a pre-departure orientation. After a presentation about what to expect and what is expected in the USA, everyone moved to the garden for some drinks with networking opportunities. We want to thank all these wonderful participants for making the pre-departure event a great success. We are confident that you will do great in the USA! Lees verder >

Informatieavond Stage-USA 21 Augustus 2018 @Amsterdam
Bezoek de informatiebijeenkomst van Stage-USA! Ben je op zoek zijn naar een professionele ervaring in de USA in grote steden, zoals New York, LA, en Miami? Maak kennis met de verschillende programma’s die wij aanbieden: Stages Traineeships Au Pair Programma’s Short Training J-1 Visum Hoelang duurt het proces? Wat voor soort posities en bedrijven bieden wij aan? Wat zijn de kosten? Dit is je kans om al jouw vragen te stellen aan onze experts op onze thuisbasis. Wij zien ook jou graag op deze avond! Wat: Informatieavond stages & traineeships in AmerikaWaar: Stage-USA kantoor @Herengracht 499 AmsterdamWanneer: Dinsdagavond 21 Augustus, 19:00-21:30Hoe: Registreer je gratis en vrijblijvend via: https://goo.gl/forms/4a36TRVFRboEofq93 Lees verder >

Amsterdam Office Closed May 10th-11th
On May 10th and 11th, our Amsterdam office will be closed in observance of Ascension Day. We'll be back for you on Monday 14th! Lees verder >
Happy Easter!
Spring is coming closer, which means that the days grow warmer and the evenings longer! It is almost time to put away those gloves and winter jackets and enjoy the flourishing nature. Whether you celebrate Easter or not, enjoy some sweets, time off of work and school, and above all, some time with your families and friends. The Stage-Global team wishes everybody Easter holidays filled with cheer, peace, and relaxation. Lees verder >
Meet Joost, J-1 Trainee Hospitality Participant
Meet Joost, a hospitality trainee in San Francisco. Joost is gaining valuable life experiences in the field of Hospitality and Culinary art. He applied for his J-1 trainee visa with Stage-USA, which he obtained in a quick an easy manner. Joost is taking part in a 12-month program, giving him the opportunity to gain exceptional experience in his field of study, while gaining a tremendous cultural experience. Check out the pictures Joost recently shared about his experience in the US.Also interested in participating as an intern or trainee in the US? Click here to apply for a free intake and find out what your options are! Lees verder >
Korting bij Webster Apartments New York via Stage-USA!
Goed nieuws voor vrouwelijke stagiairs en trainees die naar New York gaan voor een stage of traineeship. Residentie Webster Apartments New York en Stage-USA hebben een doorlopend partnership. Webster Apartments in New York biedt de perfecte huisvesting in hartje Manhattan voor internationale (vrouwelijke) stagiairs en trainees in hetJ-1 intern & trainee programma. (www.websterapartments.org) Lees verder >
New office Stage-Global Amsterdam
We are excited to announce the new location of our new office in Amsterdam. Stage-Global has moved its headquarters to the Golden Age canal ring, at the Herengracht 499 in Amsterdam. Lees verder >
School's Out For Summer
What will you do with your newly found free time? Lees verder >
Sophie en Tibor hebben samen een fantastische tijd in de VS!
Begin april zijn mijn vriend (Tibor) en ik samen naar San Francisco gevlogen, waar wij allebei een stage van 8 maanden lopen. Al heel lang droomden wij beide van een buitenlandse stage, maar als je al een aantal jaar samen bent is het niet makkelijk om de ander gedag te zeggen voor lange tijd. We hebben er daarom dus heel bewust voor gekozen om allebei in dezelfde stad stage te lopen. Want hoe cool is het dat ons eerste huis samen in San Francisco is?! We hebben het onwijs naar ons zin hier in Californië. Tibor werkt bij een vastgoed kantoor in downtown San Francisco, en ik doe een marketing stage in Silicon Valley. Doordeweeks staat natuurlijk vooral in het teken van stage lopen, maar de weekenden zijn altijd volgepland met leuke activiteiten! In San Francisco is bijvoorbeeld elk weekend wel een festival te vinden waar we graag met vrienden heen gaan. Ook zijn er veel leuke buurten om te verkennen, heerlijke restaurants en een hoop gezellige barretjes, waar we dan ook vaak te vinden zijn. Naast dat we veel in de stad zijn, gaan we ook graag op avontuur buiten de stad. Californië heeft enorm mooie natuur, lekkere stranden en veel leuke dorpjes. Een dagje naar Santa Cruz, Lake Tahoe of Yosemite is dan ook iets dat we regelmatig doen. Maar, we nemen ook de tijd om meer van Amerika te zien! Zo hebben we samen door California, Arizona en Nevada gereisd voordat onze stages begonnen, en hebben we met vrienden een road trip naar Oregon gemaakt tijdens Memorial weekend. Na onze stage, in de zogenaamde ‘grace period’, gaan we samen reizen door Texas, Louisiana en Mississipi. En er komen vast nog heel veel trips bij in de aankomende maanden. Wij genieten dus volop van onze tijd hier! Deze ervaring is echt een ‘once in a lifetime experience’, en ik vind het heel bijzonder dat wij dit samen kunnen delen. Ik zou een buitenlandse stage echt aan iedereen aanraden. Sophie & Tibor Lees verder >
Au Pair USA - Great success!
Stage-USA is proud to share some news about the Au Pair Program we started in 2016. The program has been a great success so far! It has been running for just under one year we have seen a fast growth in interest and applications. Over the last year, Stage-USA received over 100 Au pair applicants, which is beyond our expectation. Lees verder >
Welcome Mandy!
We would like to introduce a new member of our team! Please welcome Mandy! We have asked Mandy a few questions to get to know her even better! So tell us, WHO is Mandy?I'm 25 years old, I love to make music, travelling, visiting concerts and festivals, binge-watching my favourite TV shows and I'm especially fond of cats. I love to explore nature - tall mountains, deep fjords, long hikes. I'm very interested in different cultures and languages, especially American and French. As part of my International Leisure Management studies, I've completed a marketing major in the US (St. Louis to be precise), which sparked my interest for the country.What have you seen of the world so far and which country is on top of your bucket list?When it comes to travelling, you could say that I'm a late bloomer. My first flight wasn't until I was 20! I went to Canada, by myself, and I loved it. After that, I decided to fit in as much 'adventure time' as possible, which brought me to the US, Australia, Malaysia, Norway, Poland, France and a few more European countries. At this point, my bucket list is still pretty long, but Iceland (northern lights!), South Africa, Japan and New Zealand are definitely up high. But my number one priority would be to go back to the US and Canada.What has been your most remarkable experience in the USI've absolutely loved my time there and made some friends who I still see on a regular basis. It's really hard to pinpoint one particular experience, but I remember when my new-found friends and I went to New York for our fall break. The first time we went to Times Square, on a Saturday night, it was breathtaking.There's so much hustle and bustle going on, the pictures I had seen didn't do it justice. It's something everyone has to experience at least once in their lives. Lees verder >
Welcome Evelyn!
Great news! We have a new team member! We would like to introduce Evelyn! She has joined our placement management team and she is really looking forward to getting started. We decided to ask Evelyn some questions: So tell us, WHO is Evelyn?I am a 25-year-old girl born and raised in Groningen and currently living in Amsterdam. My two greatest passions in life are sports and travelling. My interest in people and the world around me may be triggered by the Croatian blood running through my veins since my grandmother is Croatian. My passion for sports started when I was a young girl and since then I have been involved in many different sports such as gymnastics, horseback riding, soccer, tennis, snowboarding, mountain biking, footvolley and hopefully many more to come! What have you seen of the world so far and which country is on top of your bucket list?I have visited most countries in Europe, but of course, there are still lots of great places to be discovered! After my high school graduation, I travelled with a camper van through Australia and New-Zealand with one of my friends and we had the time of our lives! We drove through amazing scenery and met people from all over the world. Outside of Europe, I've also been to Iceland and America. There are so many countries left for me to discover, but for now on the top of my bucket list are, India, Argentina, and Indonesia. What has been your most remarkable experience in the USA?Actually, I have had multiple remarkable experiences in the USA. One of them was standing on top of the Rockefeller Center with a breathtaking view over New York! We started looking out at the city in the afternoon and stayed to watch the sunset. The view over the big apple changed so many times that it didn't even feel real. I also loved the rooftop farmland which I visited in Brooklyn. This location is used for educational programs to help children learn them that vegetables are not manufactured in a factory but actually grown on farmland. Overall, I just loved the enthusiasm of the Americans! Lees verder >
Hilda Cornea In New York
Hilda Cornea applied to Stage-USA in September 2015, to pursue her dream of a 12-month internship in New York! We had a great intake with her, where she explained to us that she was looking for the perfect company that would challenge her and build her skills in marketing. We were very happy to start up Hilda's program and we successfully placed her at a leading company in New York and supported her through her visa process. Hilda got in touch with us to say that she loves her internship and she is having an amazing time out there in the Big Apple! Here are some great pictures that Hilda sent to us, showing that she is having a great time, meeting new friends and enjoying every minute in the city that never sleeps! Enjoy the rest of your time out there Hilda! Lees verder >
Potential impact of the Presidential election outcome on the J-1 Visa Exchange Programs
By Andries Bonneur - It is fair to say that the U.S election result on November 8, 2016 came somewhat as a surprise. I am aware that many of you are concerned about the potential impact of this presidency might have on the program of Stage-USA. Lees verder >
Stage-Global Swim for ALS
Stage-Global raised more than our goal of €1600 for the ASL foundation! Lees verder >
Welcome Rebecca!
Rebecca has recently joined our a team here in Amsterdam as our new Program Manager. We are excited to have her on the team and we decided to ask her a few questions: Lees verder >
Welcome Sinead!
Sinead recently joined our a team here in Amsterdam as our Placement support.We are excited to have her and decided to ask her a few questions: Lees verder >
Independence Day
Independence day, also known as the 4th of July, is a federal holiday in commemoration of the independence of the United States from Britain (July 4th 1776). The Declaration of Independence was adopted by members of the Second Continental Congress in Philadelphia. This day became an official holiday in 1941 even though Americans have been celebrating the 4th July since 1777. It is commonly celebrated with fireworks, barbecues, parades, family reunions, carnivals and various festive activities. There are also political speeches, ceremonies and public events which take place on that day. Lees verder >
Your Guide to the Everglades
Stage-USA sends students and young professionals all over the most interesting parts of the US. Besides gaining experience as an intern or trainee, you also have time to explore the most amazing parts of this beautiful country. Today we talk about The Everglades! Lees verder >
Best Traveling Apps to Have
Are you a digitally savvy traveler? No need for all of those paper maps and books that take up a lot of space – right? Even if they are always good to have and are very interesting, apps are always very useful to have – you can have anything you need right in your pocket ! Smartphones have totally changed the game. Lees verder >
Welcome, Lo-An!
Lo-An recently joined our a team here in Amsterdam as an intern and will be spending the next 3 months with us. We are excited to have her and decided to ask her a few questions: Lees verder >
Mardi Gras 2016
Carnival is not celebrated in the U.S you say…? Fat Tuesday would be the direct translation from French to English for this cultural holiday officially known as Mardi Gras, which refers to the carnival celebrations usually beginning after “Three King’s Day” and culminating on the day before Ash Wednesday. Lees verder >
Welkom Sepp!
Graag willen we jullie voorstellen aan de nieuwe superstar van Stage-USA: Sepp! Hij zal verantwoordelijk zijn voor het vinden van stages en traineeships in Amerika. Na zijn stage in Miami, en zijn afstudeerstage bij Stage-USA een paar jaar geleden, hebben we hem weer met open armen ontvangen. Kunnen jullie ook niet wachten om hem te leren kennen? Hier een kijkje in het leven van Sepp. ‘The World Is Yours’You only have to take it Lees verder >
Happy Thanksgiving!
On the 26th of November, many families around the U.S will gather for a celebratory feast especially marked by Turkey and be granted a long weekend since the holiday always falls on the fourth Thursday in November.Thanksgiving is generally not celebrated in Europe. The holiday blesses the harvest and the preceding year and is a relatively old cultural and religious tradition.The celebration is very important to Americans and their families. Two Americans have agreed to share their feelings about Thanksgiving and why it is special for them with Stage-USA. Lees verder >
Southern Charms
Despite being United, the USA is an extremely diverse country – also on a cultural level. Traditions, accents, laws and cults vary depending on what state and part of the country you find yourself in. Lees verder >
Happy Labor Day!
The United States almost seem deserted on this national holiday – shops, schools, universities, authorities, consulates, embassies and businesses close down and grant their workers a long weekend. The holiday is dedicated to the American labor force. Their achievements and efforts are recognized on every first Monday of September since September 5th 1882. Lees verder >
Anke speelt nu voor het vrouwenteam Football in Chicago!
Één van onze Duitse studenten, Anke, speelt nu voor het vrouwenteam Football in Chicago. Lees hier haar top ervaring! ''It was the best decision I've ever made - It is a great experience every single time I go to practice (2-3 times a week), because the people on this team are just great. I'm a rookie and never played football before in my life, but they are teaching me step by step, so I can improve every practice. Plus, I made new friends that I hang out with over the weekend, etc. We just finished our regular season 7-1! Lees verder >
Andries Bonneur van Stage-Global, Finalist EY Entrepreneur Of The Year 2015
De finalisten voor de prestigieuze titel EY Entrepreneur Of The Year 2015 zijn bekend. Dit jaar presenteerden 26 ondernemers zichzelf en hun onderneming op de jurydag met een elevator pitch en een persoonlijk gesprek aan een onafhankelijk jury. De finalisten zijn ondernemers met een kenmerkend doorzettingsvermogen, ze zijn de drijvende kracht achter de onderneming, anticiperen op de wereld die snel verandert, zien en pakken kansen, en hebben het bewezen vermogen door te zetten waar anderen twijfelen of opgeven. Andries Bonneur van Stage-Global is Finalist voor de EY Entrepreneur Of The Year 2015 Informatie: www.eyentrepreneurship.nl/nl/eoy2015/kandidaten/6/andries_bonneur/ Lees verder >
De BuitenlandBeurs
Heb je altijd al gedroomd van een stage of studie in het buitenland? Dan is de Buitenlandbeurs abosluut iets voor jou! De Buitenlandbeurs is de grootste beurs op het gebied van studeren, stage en een taal leren in het buitenland. Lees verder >
Catch a Yankees game
If you're not from New York -- and even if you are -- there's a good chance you're not a fan of baseball's greatest-ever team. Lees verder >
Have a great 4th!
Independence Day, commonly known as the Fourth of July, is a federal holiday in America to commemorate the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776, declaring independence from (currently known as) the United Kingdom. The national holiday is marked by patriotic displays. This is the perfect chance for investors to show their patriotism via their brand; since increased sales could result. Lees verder >
Memorial Day
On the last Monday in May we celebrate Memorial Day. This holiday, originally called Decoration Day, is a day to honor the dead and is borne out of the Civil War. On May 5, 1868 General John Logan, national commander of the Grand Army of the Republic, officially proclaimed this day. Lees verder >
Stage-USA Culinary Programs
Stage-USA offers great new possibilities within the Culinary field for enthusiastic students and motivated young professionals. Lees verder >
Stage USA moved to Amsterdam!
It's time for a fresh start! Over the holidays we have moved from Deventer to Amsterdam. We are looking forward welcoming you in our new office and helping you achieve your unforgettable experience abroad. Our new address: Haparandaweg 67 B61013 BD AmsterdamThe Netherlands+31 (0) 20 68 23 026 Lees verder >
Stagemogelijkheden binnen het onderwijs!
Stage-USA heeft een primeur; Vanaf dit moment bieden wij mogelijkheden voor onderwijsstages aan in de Verenigde Staten. We hebben uitdagende stages en traineeships van 3, 6 of 9 maanden beschikbaar door heel Amerika heen. Tijdens dit programma zul je fulltime meewerken en voor de klas staan. We werken samen met zowel basisscholen als scholen binnen het voortgezet onderwijs en tijdens de lessen zul je actief ondersteund worden om je vaardigheden te verbeteren.Lijkt dit je wat of wil je meer weten over de mogelijkheden? Schrijf je dan snel in via ons inschrijfformulier. Vragen? info@stage-usa.nl of 020 68 23 026. Lees verder >
NEW J-1 Visa Prices!
In honor of a new year, Stage-USA would like to offer up new prices on our J-1 Visa services. Beginning January 2014, our J-1 visa service prices will be dropping! We want to support you even furthur to start your internship or traineeship in the US by making it more affordable. Check out our new prices and APPLY today! Lees verder >
Stagemarkt tijdens de WilWegdagen
Ook dit jaar zijn Stage-USA en Stage-Australia ruim vertegenwoordigd op de WilWeg dagen die georganiseerd worden op verschillende opleidingsinstituten in Nederland. Tijdens deze stagemarkt kun je bij ons meer informatie krijgen over het vinden van een betaalde stage, afstudeeropdracht of traineeship in Australië of in de USA. Ook voor het verkrijgen van een passend visum voor de USA of Australië ben je bij ons aan het juiste adres. Nu al vragen of benieuwd naar de mogelijkheden die we je kunnen bieden? Neem dan gerust contact met ons op! In de onderstaande tabel kun je zien wanneer wij waar aanwezig zijn, come and say hi! DatumTijdSchool Dinsdag 1 oktober 11:00-13:00 Hogeschool Rotterdam Museumpark 40, Rotterdam Dinsdag 1 oktober 11:00-13:00 Hogeschool Inholland Den Haag Theresiastraat 8, Den Haag Donderdag 3 oktober 11:00-13:00 Hogeschool Inholland Rotterdam Posthumalaan 90, Rotterdam Donderdag 3 oktober 15:00-18:00 Avans Hogeschool Den Bosch Hervenplein 2, Den Bosch Donderdag 3 oktober 11:30-15:00 Hogeschool Inholland Alkmaar Bergerweg 200, Alkmaar Dinsdag 8 oktober 11:00-14:00 HAN Nijmegen Kapittelweg 33, Nijmegen Dinsdag 8 oktober 11:30-14:30 Hogeschool Inholland Haarlem Blijdorplaan 15, Haarlem Dinsdag 8 oktober 11:00-14:00 Hogeschool Utrecht Heidelberglaan 7, Uithof, Utrecht Woensdag 9 oktober 14:30-17:30 Hogeschool van Amsterdam Fraijlermaborg 133, Amsterdam Donderdag 10 oktober 12:00-14:00 Hogeschool Inholland Diemen Wildenborch 6, Diemen Dinsdag 15 oktober 9:00-17:00 TIO Bennekomseweg 24,De Reehorst, Ede Donderdag 17 Oktober 11:30-13:30 Haagse Hogeschool Johanna Westerdijkplein 75, Den Haag Dinsdag 29 Oktober nnb Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam De Boelelaan 1105, Amsterdam("De Tent") Donderdag 28 November 11:00-14:00 HAS Hogeschool Den Bosch Onderwijsboulevard 221, Den Bosch Lees verder >
Maak gebruik van de vroegboekkorting bij Stage-USA! Volg je een MBO, HBO of WO opleiding en wil je in januari of februari 2014 een stageprogramma volgen in de VS? Schrijf je voor 1 Oktober 2013 in voor een stageprogramma tot 6 maanden met stagevergoeding en ontvang €160 korting op de bemiddelingskosten! Voor een betaalde stage betaal je tijdelijk slechts €990,- en voor een onbetaalde stage €750,-. Lees verder >
Happy Patriot Day!
Today we remeber 9/11, the day The World Trade Center fell. Exactly one year after this tragedy, former president George W. Bush declared September 11th as Patriot Day. We can use today as a day to reflect and also to discuss with our family and friends positive changes we can make in this world. Use this day to learn about the American culture and and how it differes from your own. Help make a difference in your host community today! Lees verder >
U.S. Visas For Same Sex Couples
The immigration rules for the US are changing! It is now possible for same sex couples to travel together under the J1 internship program! Same sex spouses can now accompany J1 interns as J2 dependents. Lees verder >
Amazing New Marketing Opportunities
Stage-USA has some great new vacancies - especially if you're a marketing student! We have both paid and unpaid positions in amazing locations like New York, Miami and San Francisco. Lees verder >
Aanslag Boston
Het nieuws uit Boston is vol afschuw op het kantoor van Stage-USA binnen gekomen. Als gepassioneerd Amerika fan gaan onze gedachten uit naar de slachtoffers en nabestaanden van deze verschrikkelijke daad. Lees verder >
Saxion Internship Fair
Stage-USA will be attending Saxion's internship fair this afternoon! If you're around then you should stop by, you can pick up an information brochure, chat to out team, discuss opportunities and generally find out more about our great programs! Lees verder >
Summer 2013
Have you started planning for Summer 2013 yet? Get the best of both worlds with the Work & Travel program! You can work and earn money, and also get the oppportunity to travel around the United States! Lees verder >
Dutch-American Heritage Day
Today is Dutch-American Heritage Day! November 16th was originally announced to be Dutch-American Heritage Day back in 1991, on that day in 1776 the Governor of St. Eustatius ordered a salute to a warship of the United States, making the Netherlands the first foreign power to officially salute the flag of the newly-independent United States. Lees verder >
New US Office
We are pleased to announce that we have a new office in the US, based in Miami. We are thrilled at the great opportunity to expand our business in the US. Lees verder >
Great Opportunities for Tourism Students
We have great internship opportunities in the US and Australia for tourism students! If you want to to get hands on experience in the tourism industry and learn more about international business then apply today or get in contact with us to find out more Lees verder >
New Dutch Ambassador to the United States!
Earlier this month Mr. Rudolf Bekink was formally appointed the new Dutch Ambassador to the United States, in his press release he said he looked forward to representing the Netherlands in America. Lees verder >
Stage-USA is now offering free SIM cards!
When you arrange your internship, graduation assignment, traineeship or Work & Travel in the U.S. program through Stage-USA you will get a free SIM card. Lees verder >
Work & Travel aanmelding volgend seizoen
De inschrijfperiode voor Work & Travel seizoen is afgelopen. Alle studenten die hebben meegedaan aan dit programma zijn aangenomen bij bedrijven en gaan een prachtige zomer tegemoet! Lees verder >
Work & Travel nog mogelijk
Aanmelden voor het Work & Travel programma is nog mogelijk! Inschrijven kan tot 31 mei! Lees verder >
Stage-USA at Saxion University of Applied Science
Stage-USA had a great experience representing internship opportunities in the United States today during Saxion University of Applied Science's abroad internship fair. Thank you to all the students who came out to hear about possibilities! Lees verder >
Stage-USA is aanwezig bij ITB Berlin
Stage-USA zal aanwezig zijn bij de ITB Berlin (ITB Berlin (Internationale Tourismus-Börse Berlin) volgende week. ’S Werelds grootste toerisme beurs. Hier zijn vele bedrijven vertegenwoordigd en allemaal internationaal gericht. Lees verder >
'Bind buitenlandse student aan Nederland'
Nederland zou meer moeten doen om buitenlandse studenten na hun studie in Nederland te houden. Lees verder >
23 januari 2012 Work & Travel informatie bijeenkomst
Op 23 januari 2012 geven wij tussen 19:00-21:00 uur een informatie bijeenkomst over het Work & Travel programma van Stage-USA. De bijeenkomst is volledig vrijblijvend en gratis. Lees verder >
New Website
Putting the finishing touches on the new website that will be launched on December 16! Happy holidays everyone! Lees verder >
New interns starting February 2012!
Stage-USA has 15 interns starting their internships in February 2012 in positions like sales & marketing, event management, food & beverage, front desk, accounting, communications, and TV production! Lees verder >